Graverobbing in Chattanooga
Chattanooga Times, november 1894


Chattanooga Times wednesday, 21 november 1894, p5

Some Developments, But Little Chance of Prosecution.

The grave-robbing sensation still remains to be fully developed. The trials of Griffin Jones and John Hurst, the negroes who were arrested by a deputy sheriff on the charge of robbing the grave at a potters' field, was called by 'Squire Hill yesterday morning, but on account of the absence of important state witnesses was continued until the 23rd at 9 a.m.

The officers say they have conclusive evidence the bodies stolen from the cemetery were bought by certain medical students and only need to find witnesses who will prove that the bodies were carried to places designated by these students. Warrants will then be sworn out against them and they will be arrested and prosecuted.

The students are not the only outside persons who will be arrested, but two well known physicians, and possibly a third, will be arrested for receiving the bodies. There is a rumor that one student will be charged with robbing a grave himself.

The fact that there is no penalty prescribed for the crime of grave robbery may make it exceedingly difficult for the officers to bring about satisfactory results of the arrests. The Citizens' cemetery is open to these thieves, and those who have friends or relatives interred there are condemning the law which allows the crime to be carried on without fear.

One gentleman stated yesterday to a friend that he intends to disinter the remains of his mother and bury them in his own yard, where he can protect them personally, since the law will not do it for him.

Today another arrest of a suspected accomplice in the last grave robbery will be made, and the evidence at the trial of these will in all probability develop the fact that the robbing has not been contained to the potters' field.