the pz gesture of the lactating goddess Table of contents

Abstract & Preface

poetry by
Adrienne Rich

Chapter I
The hand of "El caballero de la mano al pecho"

Chapter II
Iconographical sources of nursing and nursing gestures in pre-Christian and non-Christian cultures

Chapter III
Iconographical sources of nursing and nursing gestures in Christian cultures

Chapter IV
Breast-feeding forms in the Renaissance

Chapter V
Literary sources of lactating goddesses

Chapter VI
The meaning of the Ostentatio Mammarum
and the pseudo- zygodactylous gesture

Illustrations & Bibliography

Biographical sketch


List of illustrations

Figure 1. El Greco, "El caballero de la mano al pecho" frontispiece
Figure 2. Zygodactyly 12
Figure 3. "Isis nursing Horus (the pharaoh)" 24
Figure 4. "Hera nursing Herakles" 28
Figure 5. Gerard David, "Rest on the flight to Egypt" 38
Figure 6. Joos van Cleve, "Halte en Exil" 39
Figure 7. Niederländischer Meister, "The Virgin and Child" 40
Figure 8. Gerard David, "Virgen con Niño" 41
Figure 9. Colyn de Coter, "The Virgin interceding" 50
Figure 10. "Lactation miracle of St. Bernard" 52
Figure 11. Jan Gossart dit Mabuse, "Carondelet diptych" 55
Figure 12. Modern nursing mother 73
Figure 13. William-Adolphe Bouguereau, "Virgin and angels" 75
Figure 14. Eugene Grasset, "Jeanne d'Arc" 79


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