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The Chattanooga Times
Tuesday, 23 January 1996, p A2 Chattanooga Today

¥ Bill Casteel's Byline column on Jan. 17 contained some incorrect information. According to Linda Riddle of the leadership council of the Chattanooga Intertribal Association, that group continues to meet and has named Tom Kunesh its spokesman on the appropriateness of Chief Moccanooga as a UTC mascot. Mr. Kunesh is a Lakota Sioux.

Ronald Smith, editor
The Chattanooga Times
po box 951
Chattanooga TN 37401

The Chattanooga Times
Metro, Saturday, 27 January 1996, p B1

Editor's Note
Paul Neely

Setting records straight

The policy of The Times is to publish corrections about factual errors. Recently, we've had three unusual ones that may have raised an eyebrow or two.

A good journalist hates mistakes, but one thing worse is not owning up to them. Here are three lengthier owning-ups.

  • In the second case, a column repeated allegations by two other persons about Tom Kunesh, a leader in the debate over the UTC mascot, concerning his role in that debate and his own background. Kunesh quite naturally objected. A telephone call to an acknowledged leader of the Chattanooga InterTribal Association quickly made it clear that the allegations were substantially in error. We then published a correction on Page A-2, where we regularly publish corrections. (lt's at the top of the daily calendar of events, next to the weather, probably one of the best-read locations in the paper.)

    In retrospect, at the very least the allegations should not have been published without giving Kunesh a chance to respond in the same article.

    This was a mistake not just of substance, but also of process. It shouid not have happened.

    Publisher Paul Neely's Editor's Note column appears on Saturday.