Klipper-Jones cemetery in Dove, Tennessee
|  |
2013 june Jones monument in foreground, Klipper monument in background |
2014 march Klipper stone vault, cleaned |
For simplicity's sake, i'm going to call this the Klipper-Jones Dove cemetery given that:
- there are 3 (or more) cemeteries called "Martin", "Martins" or "Martin Springs" already (see detailed USGS map below), making identification of this specific cemetery as a Martin cemetery or with Martin Springs confusing and problematic, especially when there are no Martins in it, and
- Klipper (Klepper/Clepper) is the oldest surname and largest monument in this small cemetery, and
- the Klipper (Clepper) large stone burial vault is the earliest (1837) such burial monument in the area, being also unique with its head-and-shoulders headstone (Obadiah Beene, died 1840, has a similar vaulted tomb in the Bean-Roulston cemetery 8 miles SWS), and
- the second largest and second oldest burial is the Jones monument, and
- the only community in that area in the 19th- and early 20th centuries and on the maps was called Dove (after a local family), and
- the Kipper and Jones burials were located in Dove long before the 'Martin Springs' tourist camp was started, and
- Klepper Point - recorded by the USGS - overlooks the cemetery from the southwest/setting sun, ...
It makes sense to me to keep the name of this cemetery simple and descriptive: Klipper (as it's written on the stone) - Jones cemetery at the old Dove community. Or even, simpler yet, the Klipper cemetery at Martin Springs.
This cemetery's precise location is N35.14675 W85.77391 - see it at
maps.google.com. It's located adjacent 40 yards to the left (northwest) of the Fireworks/Chevron gas station, Martin Springs I-24 exit 143 aka Battlecreek Chevron, 234 Martin Springs Road, Kimball/South Pittsburg TN 37380.
There are 4 monuments describing 6 persons buried here:
1. |
Christian Klipper
depatid this life
on the 8 day of Oct. 1837
and in the 42d year
of hir age."
[ aka Christiana/Christina Collier Clepper ]
[ Birth 20 Nov 1795
Death 8 Oct 1837 Marion County, Tenn.
married P James Clepper (1793-1880)
gave birth to 13 (or 20) children recorded born between 1813-1836 ]
[ James Clepper, land records: Aug 1841 & Aug 1851 - Marion, Tennessee]
[ two 19th-century Clepper burials in Gilliam Cemetery, 6 miles southeast ]
[the '4' is very stylized, practically unrecognizable as a number 4 unless you're looking for it, and the miniature capital letter 'D' after '42' is so small that it can be easily overlooked and dismissed as a simple '°'. It helps us distinguish between the ordinal numbers 12th and -2d, and along with the word "hir" ('her'), help move us from looking for a 12-year-old boy to focus on a mature woman, fitting perfectly with Christina Clepper.]

2. |
Infant dau. of W. & M.E. Jones
b 18 Jan 1905
[William Jones
1900 census b Oct 1857 age 42 single
1910 census age 54 [b 1856] M2 5 years
wife Mattie Jones age 56 number of children born 0, now living 0
Tennessee > Marion > Civil District 7 > 0132 > Page 7 of 28
3. |
Patrick Henry Jones
Born May 17, 1824, [Georgia]
Died Dec. 13, 1907. [Tennessee]
P.H. Jones,
& N.A. Alexander
Married Oct. 26, 1854. |

4. |
Norcissa A. Alexander [Jones]
Born Mar. 19, 1838
Died Nov. 2, 1906.
aka Narcissa A. Jones |
5. |
Walker John J. 1860 - 1932 ~ John Jefferson Walker |  |
6. |
Walker Mollie 1872 - 1951 ~ Mollie Castle Walker
("Martin # 2 Cem. Marion Co Tn")
text & photos by tpkunesh

... what others have written ...
Thursday, 8 December 1932 issue of South Pittsburg Hustler,
For the past several years, or since the establishment of the Dixie highway from Nashville to Chattanooga and running through the Battle Creek settlement, the little village of Dove at the foot of the Cumberland mountain just as you start up to Monteagle, has been fading and giving place to a new name. This name is Martin Springs, derived from the popular tourist-camp at that point and on the premises of Thornton Martin, a pioneer citizen and merchant-farmer.
In the future when writing letters or cards to this point, be sure and address them to Martin Springs instead of Dove as you have been accustomed to these many years."
Article submitted by Ida Smith February 20, 2005
for some inexplicable reason, this is called "Martin Cemetery" by findagrave.com
Btw, fyi, the other "Martin Cemetery" is higher up the mountain with 17 interments, & Martin Springs & "Martin Cemetery #1" & Martin Springs Baptist Church Cemetery have no Clepper/Klipper.
Patrick Henry Jones
Birth: May 17, 1824
Death: Dec. 13, 1907
Burial: Gilliam Cemetery Kimball Marion County Tennessee, USA
Created by: P. Bible
Record added: Sep 18, 2007
Find A Grave Memorial# 21634389
Re: Early Eastern Tennessee Marriages
Posted by: Jacqueline Drake Clepper (ID *****7153) Date: September 13, 2008
I have just very recently discovered that I have photos of all the grandparents back to P. James Klepper (and wife, Christiana and probably his mother, Temperance Gilliam Klepper who is buried in a large crypt in Marion County, TN.
[ĄGilliam Cemetery, north of Kimball, Marion County, TN?
- but there are no "crypts" there. (there are at the Bean-Roulston cemetery & in the old South Pittsburg cemetery.) (no Clepper or Klipper or variation at Bean-Roulston [3 Gilliam].)]
check South Pittsburg cemetery - N Holly Ave/Raulston Town Road
35.0175” N, 85.7033” W
Temperance Gilliam
Coffelt Family Tree 1
Birth: 21 Feb 1777 - Surry, USA
Death: 1826 - Tennessee, USA
Parents: John Charles Gilliam, Mary Clanton
/John Valenthin Klepper b: 1715
/Jacob Benjamin Klepper b: 14 Apr 1741 d: 11 Aug 1828
/Phillip Augustus Klepper b: Abt 1770 d: 1852
| \Rebecca b: 20 Aug 1743 d: 20 Aug 1830
/P. James Klepper
| \Temperance Gilliam b: 21 Feb 1771 c: 14 Apr 1771 d: 1825
Temperance Alice Klepper
\Christiana Collier
#55 Martin #56 Martin #57 Martin 109 Martin Springs Baptist Church
Martin Cemetery 1292798 Cemetery Marion TN 350942N 0854719W 673 Monteagle - 19-MAY-1980
Martin Cemetery 1292799 Cemetery Marion TN 351008N 0854723W 781 Monteagle - 19-MAY-1980
Martin Cemetery 1292800 Cemetery Marion TN 351048N 0854722W 791 Monteagle - 19-MAY-1980
#56 is also called the Jones cemetery. According to Euline's directions I have it misplaced on the map. It is supposedly near the Martin Springs exit of I-24. That would put it about a couple of miles south of Martins Springs. Only 5 burials are recorded with surnames Walker, Jones and Alexander. I'm assuming that this means that this is a very old cemetery and most of the markers are long gone. I just don't remember ever seeing this one.
1292848 Martin Springs Populated Place TN 47 Marion 115 351000N 0854723W 35.1667473 -85.789696 207 Monteagle
1310058 Martin Springs Spring TN 47 Marion 115 350957N 0854720W 35.1659139 -85.788863 207 Monteagle
1643734 Martin Springs Baptist Church Church TN 47 Marion 115 350943N 0854719W 35.162025 -85.788585 206 Monteagle
1650193 Dove Post Office (historical) Post Office TN 47 Marion 115 000000N 0000000E 0 0 Unknown
Martin Springs 1292848 Populated Place Marion TN 351000N 0854723W 679 Monteagle - 19-MAY-1980
Dove Post Office (historical) 1650193 Post Office Marion TN Unknown Unknown - Unknown - 01-JUN-1989
Dove Cemetery Marion County Tennessee
7 interments 1918-1960, 4 w/surname Dove
no other location given
> bill wrote:
> Jim,
> I think we had the discussion about his some time ago and I know that some
> think that Dove is Martin Springs. That may be right but my thinking is that
> the Martin Springs post office replaced the Dove post office but they
> weren't necessarily in the same place. The few old maps that I can reference
> show Dove at the head of the Gizzard cove not at the foot of Monteagle
> mountain. I think the Martin Springs PO replaced Dove and but wasn't a
> situation where a post office was just renamed. Regardless of which is
> correct, the Dove cemetery could be anywhere in the county as it was named
> after a family not a particular area.
On Mon, 4/14/08, bill wrote:
> >
> > > From: bill
> > > Subject: Re: [TNMARION] Dove Cemetery
> > > To: tnmarion@rootsweb.com
> > > Date: Monday, April 14, 2008, 6:01 PM
> > > Where is Ida our Gizzard expert? I have a lady asking about
> > > the Dove cemetery. Wasn't the Dove P.O. at the head of the
> > > Gizzard cove? Was/Is there a cemetery there?
> > >
> > > Bill Mc
> > >
iii. P JAMES KLEPPERCLEPPER, b. February 15, 1793, Nashville, Washington Co., Tn; d. May 01, 1880, Hill Co. Tx.Bur Ft.Graham Cemetery, Whitney Hill, TX; m. (1) CHRISTIANA WINFRED COLLIER, August 12, 1812; b. November 20, 1795; d. October 08, 1837, Battle Creek, Marion Co, TN; m. (2) MARY POLLY JONES, March 09, 1838, Franklin Co., Tn; b. August 20, 1809, TN; d. 1892.
Marion Co., Tn. was formed from Indian Lands in 1817. James and his brother V.John Klepper (234) purchased 106 acres for $700 on waters of Battle Creek at the foot of the Cumberland Mountains from Isaac H. Roberts and John Mc Murray. He received land grant #8934 for 2,000 acres in 1837 from the state of Tennessee located on the west side of Battle Creek.
Marion Co. Deed Book B pg 300 (WPA) shows his name as "P. Jas. Clepper" (Court House burned and the original copy of this deed has been lost). From the Marion Co. land records we know he bought and sold land and slaves until 18 Feb. 1863 when he sold 4,700 acres to Patrick H. Jones (original Plantation was 5,500 acres
© there is a point (a rock outhang at the top of the mountain) called Klepper Point) and set out for Montgomery County, Texas, leaving one son Thomas Wesley Clepper in Marion Co., Tn.
1/married on 12 Aug. 1812 to Christiana Collier; born 20 Nov. 1795; daughter of (Henry?) Collier; died 8 Oct. 1837 Marion Co., Tn.; buried in small cemetery beside Hy 41 between Kimball and Mt. Eagle, Tn., near the Martin Springs Baptist Church Ext. just out of Jasper, Marion Co., Tn. Her grave is marked with a headstone carved out of one piece of rock with the following engraved,
"Christiana Collier Klipper departed this life on the eighth day of Oct. 1837 in
the 42nd year of her age", this is the oldest marker in this small cemetery. Located at the head of her gravestone is a stone crypt, the oldest crypt in Marion County I'm told. (Wonder if this is his mother, Temperance (Gilliam) Klepper as she died ca 1826??) Also buried in this cemetery is Patrick H. Jones born 17 May 1824 and died 13 Dec. 1907. P.James Clepper sold all his land in Marion Co. to Patrick H. Jones when he left Tn. in Feb. 1863.
P.James and Christiana had 13 children. 2/married on 9 Mch. 1838 in Franklin Co., Tn. to Mary "Polly" Jones; born 20 Aug. 1809 in Tn.; believed to be daughter of Richard Jones born 1789 in Va.; Mary is in the 1880 census of Bosque Co., Tx., age 70, widow, born Tn. father born Va., mother born Ga.; died 1892; buried Ft. Graham Cemetery, Whitney, Hill,
Re: Phillips
PatriciaHamill51 Posted: 27 Jan 2010 5:49AM GMT
Classification: Query
Surnames: Jones, Klepper, Gilliam