Wahoo Baptist Church history

1818-1953 Brief typescript of church history.

Wahoo Baptist Church was established October 31, 1819, at
the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Hall County;
the area is now a part of Lumpkin County. It was estab-
lished as a Primitive Baptist and later became a Missionary 
Baptist Organization.

The earliest preserved records show the following members
part of whom were probably charter members;

    Elder Wm. Christopher, Minister
    Nancy Christopher
    Hapson Boyd, Deacon
    Patsy Boyd
    Ausbon Seay, Deacon
    Aggey Seay
    Josiah Blackwell
    Elizabeth Blackwell
    Joe Royal
    Tildey Royal
    Amber Christopher
    Polly Barnes
    James Heath
    Priscilla Christopher

The original log structure was located on what is now known
as the Grif Evan's farm, approximately one mile from the 
present location.  Later, a second log building was erected 
some quarter mile away on the now Ed Carroll farm.  Evidences 
of cemeteries may still be found in both these places.

A third log structure was built on the present location 
followed by two frame buildings which were destroyed in 1932
and 1953 respectively.  The present brick building was erected 
the following year.

Whites, Indians and Negroes are buried in the old section of the
present cemetery.  Early records show slaves were accepted as 

Sixty-two years of the history of this church were under the 
leadership of two pastors;  Elder Wm. Christopher served forty
years and Rev. Frank Morris 22 years.

    Compiled by Mrs. J.B. Lambert
        867 Cascade Ave. S.W.
        Atlanta, Ga.

1818-1953 Brief typescript of church history.
The church is located on the Dahlonega-Gainesville Hwy. in Lumpkin County.
- from the microfilmed record of Wahoo Baptist Church, Lumpkin (Murrayville) County
Reel No. 2794
Positive filed in 187-42
Date microfilmed: 3-15-67
Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta

  • GEORGIA BAPTIST CHURCH RECORDS, Georgia Baptist History Depository,
       Special Collections, Jack Tarver Library, Mercer University, Macon, Georgia

  • "
    A list of Names of the members of
    Wahoo Church
    Mails [sic]
    1   Wm Christopher minister
    2   Hopson Boyd Deacon
    3   Ausburn Seay Deacon  [Ausbon Seay - July 1834 church minutes]
    4   Josiah Blackwell
    5   [Joroyal?] Blackwell
    6   James Heath [surname scratched out]
    6   A Christopher
    7   Mat Whelkey
    Femails [sic]
    1   Nancy Christopher
    2   Patsey Boyd
    3   Aggey Seay  [Agnes Seay - June 1833 church minutes]
    4   Elizabeth Blackwell
    5   Tildey Blackwell
    6   Polly Barnes
    7   Priscilla Christopher
    8   Seneay Barnette 
        Elener Crittenton [*Elendor Crittenden/Crittington]
        Elizabeth Barnes
        Sally Barnes
        Sarah Garrison
        Anna Barnett
        Morvy Boyd
        Ailsey Montgomery [*]  
        Sally Gla[ze?]
    	[ * http://www.seark.net/~sabra/montgom.html ]
    	[ "Elendor Crittenden and her daughter, Ailsey Crittenden Montgomery 
    	[ and Ailsey's son, Hugh, were among the first members of 
    	[ Wahoo Baptist Church."  - Sheila Farrell Brannon ]

    - this is a complete and accurate (as possible) transcription from the original page on microfilm.

    compare with the list given "From the Booklet
    The 160th Anniversary of the Wahoo Baptist Church - 1819 to 1979"
    note the difference in order (Seay::Boyd, Sally Glaze), the combination of
    the names on two lines (James Heath/A. Christopher), name spellings (Mat::Nat,
    Patsey::Patsy, Barnes::Barnett, Morvy::Mary), and the absence of a name
    (Tildey Blackwell).
    and compare with the list given above (top of this page):
    Hopson::Hapson, Patsey::Patsy, Ausburn::Ausbon;
    there is no "Royal" surname in the handwritten text,
    "Tildey"'s surname is undeniably "Blackwell", as is male #5;
    and no "Amber" or third "Christopher" female appears on the list.
    It would appear that neither of these two sources used the original
    or microfilm copy of "A List of Names of the members of Wahoo Church"
    as their only or primary source.
    Compare also with text list available at www.rootsweb.com/~galumpki/cemetery/WahooCemetery.txt

    - tpkunesh 11feb02