Atheism in innocence

Atheists don't experience god/s, virgins don't experience sex, ignorance is bliss, the mentally retarded in olde Switzerland were called christians --"chretien" in the french, 'cretin' now in english. atheism, virginity, ignorance, innocence are all ... a kind of virtue? Is the lack of experience positive? does it add some quality to the human experience? Without experience, is a person more human, more pure, more knowledgable? Is it possible that without the common experiences of other people, atheists ... or virgins ... or the ignorant ... might have something that others don't?
- tpkunesh 1996

"... innocence -- not a lack of experience,
but an absence of need for illusions,
a love and respect for what is
right before your eyes."

-- Marius to Lestat, in Anne Rice's
the Vampire Lestat

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created 1jun1996, revised 20mar98     |     comments on this site? tpkunesh@atheisms.info